Year 1989
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Pattern Dynamics in Spatiotemporal Chaos"
          Physica D 34(1989) 1-41  
paper       D G. Mayer-Kress and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Spatiotemporal Chaos and Noise"
          J. Stat. Phys., 54 (1989) 1489  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Spatiotemporal Chaos in One- and Two- Dimensional Coupled Map Lattices"
          Physica D 37 (1989) 60-82  
paper       D K. Kaneko and T. Konishi  
title   2 "Diffusion in Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems"
          Phys. Rev. A 40 (1989) 6130  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Self-consistent Perron-Frobenius Operator for Spatiotemporal Chaos"
          Phys. Lett. A 139 (1989) 47-52  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Towards Thermodynamics of Spatiotemporal Chaos"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 99 (1989), 263-287  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Chaotic but Regular Posi-nega Switch among Coded Attractors by Cluster Size Variation"
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 (1989) 219-224  
Year 1988
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Chaotic Diffusion of Turbulent Defect and Pattern Selection in Spatiotemporal Chaos"
          Euro. Phys. Lett., 6 (1988) 193-199  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   2 "Symplectic Cellular Automata"
          Phys. Lett. A 129 (1988) 9-16  
paper       D J.P. Crutchfield and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Are Attractors Relevant to Turbulence?"
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 60 (1988) 2715-2718  
review         K. Kaneko  
title     "JIKUU KAOSU"  
*japanese         Nihon Butsuri Gakkaishi 43(1988)689-697: (English translation is publsihed in Assoc. Asian Pacific Physical Societies Bulletin 1 No.3 12-20)  
Year 1987
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D R.J. Deissler and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Velocity Dependent Lyapunov Exponent as a Measure of Chaos for Open Flows"
          Phys. Lett. 119A (1987) 397-402  
paper       D K. Kaneko and T. Konishi  
title   2 "Transition, Ergodicity and Lyapunov Spectra of Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems"
          J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 56 (1987) 2993-2996  
paper       D J. P. Crutchfield and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Phenomenology of Spatiotemporal Chaos"
          in {Directions in Chaos} (World Scientific, 1987) 272-353  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Pattern Competition intermittency and Selective Flicker Noise in Spatiotemporal Chaos"
          Phys. Lett. 125 A (1987) 25-31  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   5 "Complexity in Basin Structures and Information Processing by the Transitions among Attractors"  
          in { Theory of Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Oscillations} (World Sci. Pub.,  1987, ed. G. Ikegami) 194-209  
proceeding       D Y. Iba, Y. Akutsu and K.Kaneko  
title   5 "Phase Transition in 2-dimensional Stochastic CA"  
          in { Science on Form} (KTK-pub., ed. K.Ishizaka, 1987) pp103-111  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Phenomenology and Characterization of Spatio-temporal Chaos"  
          in { Dynamical Systems and Singular Phenomena} (World Sci. Pub.,  1987, ed. G. Ikegami) 30-46  
Year 1986
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Lyapunov Analysis and Information Flow in Coupled Map Lattices"
          Physica 23D (1986) 436-447  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   5 "Attractors, Basin Structures, and Information Processing in Cellular Automata"
          in {Theory and Applications of CA} (Wotld Sci., 1986, ed S. Wolfram) 367-399  
paper       D K. Kaneko and Y. Akutsu  
title   5 "Phase Transition in Two-dimensional Stochastic Cellular Automata"
          J. Phys. A19 (1986) L69-74, also included in anthology of selected papers on CA {Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata} (World Sci., 1986, ed S. Wolfram)  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Turbulence in Coupled Map Lattices"  
          Physica 18D  (1986) 475  
proceeding       D R.J. Deiser and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "A Measure of Chaos for Open Flows"  
          in { Dimensions and Entropies in Chaotic Systems} (Springer, 1986, ed. G. Mayer-Kress) 108-111  
Year 1985
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D K. Kaneko and R.J. Bagley  
title   2 "Arnold Diffusion, Ergodicity, and Intermittency in Coupled Standard Mapping"
          Phys. Lett. 110A (1985) 435-440(also included in anthology of selected papers on Hamiltonain Chaos {\sl Hamiltonain Dynamical Systems} (Adam Hilger, 1988, eds R. Mackay and J. Meiss))  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Spatial Period-doubling in Open Flow"
          Phys. Lett. 111A (1985) 321-325  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Spatiotemporal Intermittency in Coupled Map Lattices"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 74 (1985) 1033-1044  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Collapse of Two- and Three- Tori and Appearance of Chaos in Dissipative Systems"  
          in { Theory of Dynamical Systems and Its Applications to Nonlinear Problems}(World Sci. Pub.,  1985, ed. H. Kawakami) 140-159  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Kinks and Spatially Complex Behavior in Coupled Map Lattices"  
          in { Dynamical Problems in Soliton Systems} (Springer, 1985, ed. S Takeno) 272-277  
Year 1984
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Fates of Three-Torus I -- Double Devil's Staircases in Lockings"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 71 (1984) 282-294  
paper       D S. Takesue and K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Fractal Basin Structure"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 71 (1984) 35-49  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Fractalization of Torus"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 71 (1984) 1112-1115  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Oscillation and Doubling of Torus"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 72 (1984) 202-215  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Period-doubling of Kink-antikink Patterns, Quasi-periodicity in Antiferro-like Structures and Spatial Intermittency in Coupled Map Lattices --- toward a prelude to a "Field Theory of Chaos"---"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 72 (1984) 480-486  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Supercritical Behavior of Disordered Orbit of a Circle Map"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 72 (1984) 1089-1103  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Mechanism of  Frequency Locking at the Transition from Torus to Chaos"  
          in { Turbulence and Chaotic Phenomena in Fluids} (North Holland, 1984, ed. T. Tatsumi) 151-156  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Collapse of Tori in Dissipative Systems"  
          in { Chaos and Statistical Methods} (Springer,  1984, ed. Y. Kuramoto) 83-88  
Year 1983
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Similarity Structure and Scaling Property of the Period-Adding Phenomena"  
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 69 (1983) 403-414  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Transition from Torus to Chaos Accompanied by the Frequency Locking with Symmetry Breaking -- In Connection with the Coupled Logistic Map"  
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 69 (1983) 1427-1442  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Doubling of Torus"  
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 69 (1983) 1806-1810  
book         K. Kaneko  
title     Collapse of Tori and Genesis of Chaos in Dissipative Systems
          World Sci. Pub., 1986, 264 pages : based on thesis of 1983  
Year 1982
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D M. Suzuki, K. Kaneko, and S. Takesue  
title   5 "Critical Slowing Down in Stochastic Processes I"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 67 (1982) 1756-1775  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   4 "On the Period-Adding Phenomena at the Frequency Locking in a One-Dimensional Mapping"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 68 (1982) 669-672  
Year 1981
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   5 "Fluctuations in the Complex Stochastic TDGL Equation"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 66 (1981) 1494-1497  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   5 "Adiabatic Elimination by the Eigenfunction Expansion Method"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 66 (1981) 129-142  
paper       D M. Suzuki, K. Kaneko, and F. Sasagawa  
title   5 "Phase Transition and Slowing Down in Non-equilibrium Stochastic Processes"
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 65 (1981) 828-849