Year 1999
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D Tatsuo Shibata, Tsuyoshi Chawanya, and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   1 "Noiseless Collective Motion out of Noisy Chaos"
          Physical Review Letters, 82(1999) 4424-4427  
paper A       T. Yamamoto and K. Kaneko  
title 2   "Tile Automaton: a model for an architecutre of a living system"  
          Artificial Life 5 (1999) 37-76  
paper A       K. Kaneko and T. Yomo  
title 1   "Isologous Diversification for Robust Development of Cell Society"
          J.theor.Biol. 199 (1999) 243-256  
paper       D K. Fujimoto and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Noise-induced Input Dependence in a Convective Unstable Dynamical System"
          Physica D,vol.129 (1999) 203-222  
proceeding     C   Eizo Akiyama and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   4   "Dynamical Systems Game (The Lumberjacks' Dilemma Model)"  
          (Fifth European Conference on Artificial Life, Springer, eds. D. Floreano, J. Nicoud, F. Mondada) Springer, 1999  
Year 1998
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D T. Yamamoto and K. Kaneko  
title   2 "Exploring a Classical Model of Helium Atom"  
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 100 (6) (1998) 1089-1105  
paper       D T. Shibata and K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Collective Chaos"
          Phys. Rev. Lett., 81(1998) 4116-4119  
paper       D T. Shibata and K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Tongue-Like Bifurcation Structures of The Mean-Field Dynamics in a Network of Chaotic Elements"
          Physica D, 124 (1998) 177-200  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "On the Strength of Attractors in a High-dimensional System: Milnor Attractor Network, Robust Global Attraction, and Noise-induced Selection"
          Physica D, 124(1998)322-344  
paper     C   A. Saito and K. Kaneko  
title   5   "Geometry of Undecidable Systems"  
          Prog. Theor. Phys. 99 (1998) 885-890  
paper A       C.Furusawa and K.Kaneko  
title 1   "Emergence of Multicellular Organisms with Dynamic Differentiation and Spatial Pattern"
          Artificial Life 4 (1998) 79-93  
paper A       C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Emergence of Rules in Cell Society: Differentiation, Hierarchy, and Stability"
          Bull.Math. Biol., 60 (1998) 659-687  
review A       K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Life as Complex Systems: Viewpoint from Intra-Inter Dynamics"
          Complexity, 3 (1998) 53-60  
review A       K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Diversity, Stability, Recursivity, Hierarchy, and Rule Generation in a Biological System studied as Intra-inter Dynamics"  
          Int. J. Mod. Phys. B., 12 (1998) 285-298  
proceeding A       C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Emergence of Multicellular Organisms with Dynamic Differentiation and Spatial Pattern"  
          In Proceeding of Artificial Life VI (1998) pp. 43-52, edited by C. Adami, MIT Press  
proceeding A       K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Life as Complex Systems: Intra-Inter dynamics, isologous diversification and emeregence of recursivity"  
          Physica A 254 (1998) 73-76  
Year 1997
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   1 "Dominance of Milnor Attractors and Noise-induced Selection in a Multi-attractor System"
          Phys. Rev. Lett, 78 (1997) 2736-2739  
paper       D Tatsuo Yanagita and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   3 "Modeling and Characterization of Cloud Dynamics"
          Phys. Rev. Lett.78(1997)  
paper A     D Kunihiko Kaneko  
title 1 1 "Coupled Maps with Growth and Death: An Approach to Cell Differentiation"
paper A       K. Kaneko and T. Yomo  
title 1   "Isologous Diversification: A Theory of Cell Differentiation"
          Bull.Math.Biol. 59 (1997) 139-196  
paper       D T. Shibata and K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Heterogeneity Induced Order in Globally Coupled Chaotic Systems"
          Europhys. Lett. 38(6) (1997) 417-422  
review A     D K. Kaneko  
title 5 3 "Diversity, Stability, and Metadynamics: Remarks from Coupled Map Studies"  
          in "Modeling Spatiotemoral Dynamics in Ecology", pp 25- 43, ed. J. Bascompte and R. V. Sole (1997) Landes Pub.  
proceeding A       T. Yamamoto and K. Kaneko  
title 5   "Igniting the cycle of creation -- an approach to cerate metabolism with Tile Automaton"  
          Artificila Life V (1997) ed. C. G. Langton and K. Shimohara, MIT press, 434-441  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Impact of High-dimensional Chaos || A Further Step Towards Dynamical Complexity"  
        3 in { The Impact of Chaos on Science and Society}, (United Nation Univ. Press, eds.  C. Grebogi and J. Yorke, 1997)  
proceeding A       K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Emergence of Recursivity through Isologous Diversification"  
          pp 46-51 in { Complexity and Diversity}, (Springer, ed. E. Nakamura, 1997) (proceedings of Fukui Symposium on Complexity and Diversity)  
proceeding A       C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Emergence of Differentiation Rules leaidng to Hierarchy and Diveristy"  
          European Conference on Artificial Life, eds. P. Husbands and I. Harvey (1997) pp 172 -181 MIT press  
Year 1996
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D T. Nishikawa and K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Fractalization of Torus Revisited as a Strange Nonchaotic Attractor"
          Phys. Rev. E. 54(1996) 6114-6124  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Clustering, Hidden Coherence, Chaotic Itinerancy, and Information Cascade in Globally Coupled Dynamical Systems"  
          in STAPHYS 19, World Scientific, eds. Hao Bailin (1996) 338-345  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Nature of Coherence in Globally Coupled Chaotic Systems --- An extended Abstract"  
          in Quantum Coherence and Decoherence, eds. K. Fujikawa and Y.A. Ono, Elsevier Science B.V. (1996) 251-256  
proceeding     C   E. Akiyama and K. Kaneko  
title   4   "Evolution of Communication and Strategies in an Iterated Three-person Game"  
          proceeingds of Artificial Life V (1996) 193-201  
Year 1995
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   1 "Remarks on the mean field dynamics of networks of chaotic elements"
          Physica 86 D (1995) 158-170  
paper       D F.H. Willeboordse and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Pattern Dynamics of a Coupled Map Lattice for Open FLow"
          Physica D, 86 (1995) 428-455  
paper       D T. Yanagita and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Rayleigh-Benard Convection: Pattern, Chaos, Spatiotemporal Chaos and Turbulence"
          Physica D, 82 (1995) 288-313  
paper     C   E. Akiyama and K. Kaneko  
title   4   "Evolution of Cooperation, Differentiation, Complexity, and Diversity in an Iterated Three-person Game"
          Artificial Life 2(3): 293-304 (1995)  
paper       D F.H. Willeboordse and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Periodic Lattices of Chaotic Defects"
          Phys. Rev. E, 52 (1995) 1516-1519  
review       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Cooperative Behavior in Network of Chaotic Elements"  
          in Handbook of Brain Theory and Experiments, (MIT press, eds. M. Arbib), 1995, pp 76-83  
review       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Coupled Maps: from Local to Global"  
        3 in "Computational Physics as a New Frontier in Condensed Matter Research" J.Phys. Soc. Japan.  (1995) 291-302  
comment       D Y. Tanabe  and K. Kaneko  
title   4 "Reply to Comment on Dynamical Behaviors of A Falling Paper"  
          Phys. Rev. Lett. (1995)  
proceeding A       K. Kaneko and T. Yomo  
title 1   "A Theory of Differentiation with Dynamic Clustering"  
          in { Advances in Artificial Life"}, Springer (1995) 329-340 (eds. E. Moran et al.)  
proceeding A       T. Yamamoto and K. Kaneko  
title 5   "Tile Automaton for Evolution of Metabolism"  
          in { Advances in Artificial Life"}, Springer (1995) 188-199 (eds. E. Moran et al.)  
Year 1994
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   1 "Information Cascade with Marginal Stability in a Network of Chaotic Elements"
          Physica D 77 (1994) 456-472  
paper       D Y. Tanabe and K. Kaneko  
title   5 "Dynamical Behaviors of A Falling Paper"
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 1372-1375  
paper       D F.H. Willeboordse and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Bifurcations and Spatial Chaos in an Open Flow Model"
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 533-536  
paper A       W.Li, T.G. Marr, and K. Kaneko  
title 5   "Understanding Long-range Correlations in DNA Sequences"
          Physica D, 75 (1994) 392-416  
paper A       K. Kaneko  
title 5   "Chaos as a Source of Complexity and Diversity in Evolution"
          Artificial Life 1 (1994) 163-177  
paper A       J. Suzuki and K. Kaneko  
title 5   "Imitation Games"
          Physica 75D (1994) 328-342  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Relevance of Clustering to Biological Networks"
          Physica 75 D (1994) 55-73  
paper A       K. Kaneko and T. Yomo  
title 1   "Cell Division, Differentiation, and Dynamic Clustering"
          Physica 75 D (1994), 89-102  
paper       D K. Kaneko and T. Konishi  
title   2 "Peeling the Onion of Order and Chaos in a High-dimensional Hamiltonian System"
          Physica D 71 (1994) 146-167  
review         Kunihiko Kaneko, Ichiro Tsuda  
title     "Constructive complexity and artificial reality: an introduction"
          Physica D 75 (1994) l-10  
review       D J. Brindley, K. Kaneko, and Kapitaniak  
title   1 "Spatiotemporal Chaos"  
        3 Chaos, Soliton and Fractals 4 (1994) 1193-1211  
proceeding       D T. Yanagita and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Phenomenology for Convection; A Coupled Map Lattice Model"  
          (Unstable and Turbulent Motion of Fluid, World Scientific, eds S. Kida  1994)  
Year 1993
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Chaotic Traveling Wave in Coupled Map Lattices"
          Physica D, 68 (1993) 299-317  
paper A       K. Kaneko and J. Suzuki  
title 5   "Evolution to the Edge of Chaos in Imitation Game"
          Artificial Life III (1993) 43-54  
paper       D T. Yamamoto and K. Kaneko  
title   2 "He Atom as a Classical 3-body Problem"
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 (1993) 1928-1931  
paper       D T. Yanagita and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Coupled Map Lattice for Convection"
          Phys. Lett. A, 175 (1993) 415 -420  
review       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Coupled Map Lattice ---Introduction, Phenomenology, Lyapunov Analysis, and Applications"  
          in Theory and Applications of Coupled Map Lattices (ed. K. Kaneko, John Wiley and Sons, 1993) pp. 1-49  
Book         K. Kaneko  
title     Theory and Applications of Coupled Map Lattices
          (Wiley) 1993: edition and Chapter 1  
Year 1992
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Propagation of Disturbance, Co-Moving Lyapunov exponents, and Path Summation"
          Phys. Lett. 170A (1992) 210-216  
paper A     D T. Ikegami and K. Kaneko  
title 5 3 "Evolution of Host-Parasitoid Network through Homeochaotic Dynamics"  
          Chaos 2 (1992) 397-408  
paper       D T. Konishi and K. Kaneko  
title   2 "Clustered Motion in Symplectic Coupled Map Systems"
          J. Phys. A 25 (1992) 6283-6296  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Global Travleing Wave Triggered by Local Phase Slips"
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 (1992) 905-908  
paper A       W. Li and K. Kaneko  
title 5   "Long-Range Correlation and Partial 1/f alpha Spectrum in a Non-Coding DNA Sequence"
          Europhys. Lett. 17 (1992) 655-660  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Mean Field Fluctuation in Network of Chaotic Elements"
          Physica 55D (1992) 368-384  
paper A       K. Kaneko and T. Ikegami  
title 5   "Homeochaos: Dynamics Stability of a symbiotic network with population dynamics and evolving mutation rates"
          Physica 56 D (1992) 406-429  
review       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Overview of Coupled Map lattices"  
          Chaos 2 (1992) 279  
comment A       W.Li and K. Kaneko  
title 5   "DNA correlations"  
          Nature (scientific correspondence) 360 (1992) 635-636  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Network of Chaotic Elements"  
          in { Complexity and Evolution, (Proceeding of Les Houches Workshop)} (Nova Publishers, 1992) (eds. R. Livi., J-P. Nadal, N.H. Packard)  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Coupled Map Lattice"  
          in { Chaos, Order,  and Patterns}, (Plenumn, 1992) (eds. R. Artuso, P. Cvitanovic, and G. Casati) 237-247  
proceeding       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Simulating Spatiotemporal Chaos with Coupled Map Lattices"  
          in Computational Approaches in Condensed Matter Physics (ed. S. Miyashita, M. Imada, H. Takayama, Springer 1992 ), 260-271  
Year 1991
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Globally Coupled Circle Maps"
          Physica 54 D (1991) 5-19  
paper       D Y. Mori K. Kaneko and M. Wadati  
title   5 "Fracture Dynamics by Quenching I. Crack Patterns"
          J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 60 (1991) 1591-1599  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Partition Complexity in Network of Chaotic Elements"
          J. Phys. A 24 (1991) 2107-2119  
review       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Climbing Up Dynamical Hierarchy"  
        3 in {Chaotic Hierarchy}, pp 235-250 ed. G. Baier and M. Klien, World. Sci. 1991  
Year 1990
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper A       T. Ikegami and K. Kaneko  
title 5   "Genetic Fusion"
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990) 3352-3355  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Globally Coupled Chaos Violates Law of Large Numbers"
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990) 1391-1394  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Supertransients, Spatiotemporal Intermittency, and Stability of Fully Developed Spatiotemporal Chaos"
          Phys. Lett. 149 A (1990) 105-112  
paper       D Y. Aizawa I. Nishikawa and K. Kaneko  
title   5 "Soliton Turbulence in Cellular Automata"
          Physica 45D (1990) 307-327  
paper       D T. Konishi and K. Kaneko  
title   2 "Diffusion in Hamiltonian Chaos and Its System Size Dependence"
          J. Phys. A 23 (1990) 715-720  
paper A       T. Ikegami and K. Kaneko  
title 5   "Computer Symbiosis --- Emergence of Symbiotic Behavior Through Evolution"
          Physica D, 42 (1990) 235-243  
paper       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Clustering, Coding, Switching, Hierarchical Ordering, and Control in Network of Chaotic Elements"
          Physica 41 D (1990) 137-172  
review       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Simulating Physics with Coupled Map Lattices ------ Pattern Dynamics, Information Flow, and Thermodynamics of Spatiotemporal Chaos"
          pp1-52 in Formation, Dynamics, and Statistcs of Patterns ed. K. Kawasaki A. Onuki and M. Suzuki World. Sci. 1990  
proceeding     C D K. Kaneko  
title   1 1 "Switching and Information Processing in Network of Chaotic Elements"  
          in { Proceeding of International Conference on Fuzzy and Neural Networks}, (Kyushu Institute of Technology, 1990) 623-626