Year 1999 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
D |
Tatsuo Shibata, Tsuyoshi Chawanya, and Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Noiseless Collective
Motion out of Noisy Chaos" | |
Physical Review Letters, 82(1999) 4424-4427 |
paper |
A |
T. Yamamoto and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Tile Automaton: a model
for an architecutre of a living system" |
Artificial Life 5 (1999) 37-76 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko and T. Yomo |
title |
1 |
"Isologous Diversification
for Robust Development of Cell Society" | |
J.theor.Biol. 199 (1999) 243-256 |
paper |
D |
K. Fujimoto and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Noise-induced Input
Dependence in a Convective Unstable Dynamical System" | |
Physica D,vol.129 (1999) 203-222 |
proceeding |
C |
Eizo Akiyama and Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Dynamical Systems Game
(The Lumberjacks' Dilemma Model)" |
(Fifth European Conference on
Artificial Life, Springer, eds. D. Floreano, J. Nicoud, F. Mondada) Springer,
1999 |
Year 1998 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
D |
T. Yamamoto and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Exploring a Classical
Model of Helium Atom" |
Prog. Theor. Phys. 100 (6) (1998) 1089-1105 |
paper |
D |
T. Shibata and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Collective Chaos" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett., 81(1998) 4116-4119 |
paper |
D |
T. Shibata and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Tongue-Like Bifurcation
Structures of The Mean-Field Dynamics in a Network of Chaotic Elements" | |
Physica D, 124 (1998) 177-200 |
paper |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"On the Strength of
Attractors in a High-dimensional System: Milnor Attractor Network, Robust
Global Attraction, and Noise-induced Selection" | |
Physica D, 124(1998)322-344 |
paper |
C |
A. Saito and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Geometry of Undecidable
Systems" |
Prog. Theor. Phys. 99 (1998) 885-890 |
paper |
A |
C.Furusawa and K.Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Emergence of Multicellular
Organisms with Dynamic Differentiation and Spatial Pattern" | |
Artificial Life 4 (1998) 79-93 |
paper |
A |
C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Emergence of Rules in Cell
Society: Differentiation, Hierarchy, and Stability" | |
Bull.Math. Biol., 60 (1998) 659-687 |
review |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Life as Complex Systems:
Viewpoint from Intra-Inter Dynamics" | |
Complexity, 3 (1998) 53-60 |
review |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Diversity, Stability,
Recursivity, Hierarchy, and Rule Generation in a Biological System studied as
Intra-inter Dynamics" |
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B., 12 (1998) 285-298 |
proceeding |
A |
C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Emergence of Multicellular
Organisms with Dynamic Differentiation and Spatial Pattern" |
In Proceeding of Artificial Life
VI (1998) pp. 43-52, edited by C. Adami, MIT Press |
proceeding |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Life as Complex Systems:
Intra-Inter dynamics, isologous diversification and emeregence of
recursivity" |
Physica A 254 (1998) 73-76 |
Year 1997 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
D |
Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Dominance of Milnor
Attractors and Noise-induced Selection in a Multi-attractor System" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett, 78 (1997) 2736-2739 |
paper |
D |
Tatsuo Yanagita and Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Modeling and
Characterization of Cloud Dynamics" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett.78(1997) |
paper |
A |
D |
Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
1 |
1 |
"Coupled Maps with Growth
and Death: An Approach to Cell Differentiation" | |
Physica103D(1997)505-527 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko and T. Yomo |
title |
1 |
"Isologous Diversification:
A Theory of Cell Differentiation" | |
Bull.Math.Biol. 59 (1997) 139-196 |
paper |
D |
T. Shibata and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Heterogeneity Induced
Order in Globally Coupled Chaotic Systems" | |
Europhys. Lett. 38(6) (1997) 417-422 |
review |
A |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
3 |
"Diversity, Stability, and
Metadynamics: Remarks from Coupled Map Studies" |
in "Modeling Spatiotemoral Dynamics in Ecology", pp
25- 43, ed. J. Bascompte and R. V. Sole (1997) Landes Pub. |
proceeding |
A |
T. Yamamoto and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Igniting the cycle of
creation -- an approach to cerate metabolism with Tile Automaton" |
Artificila Life V (1997) ed. C. G. Langton and K. Shimohara,
MIT press, 434-441 |
proceeding |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Impact of High-dimensional
Chaos || A Further Step Towards Dynamical Complexity" |
3 |
in { The Impact of Chaos on Science and Society}, (United
Nation Univ. Press, eds. C.
Grebogi and J. Yorke, 1997) |
proceeding |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Emergence of Recursivity
through Isologous Diversification" |
pp 46-51 in { Complexity and
Diversity}, (Springer, ed. E. Nakamura, 1997) (proceedings of Fukui Symposium
on Complexity and Diversity) |
proceeding |
A |
C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Emergence of
Differentiation Rules leaidng to Hierarchy and Diveristy" |
European Conference on Artificial Life, eds. P. Husbands and
I. Harvey (1997) pp 172 -181 MIT press |
Year 1996 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
D |
T. Nishikawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Fractalization of Torus
Revisited as a Strange Nonchaotic Attractor" | |
Phys. Rev. E. 54(1996) 6114-6124 |
proceeding |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Clustering, Hidden
Coherence, Chaotic Itinerancy, and Information Cascade in Globally Coupled
Dynamical Systems" |
in STAPHYS 19, World Scientific, eds. Hao Bailin (1996)
338-345 |
proceeding |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Nature of Coherence in
Globally Coupled Chaotic Systems --- An extended Abstract" |
in Quantum Coherence and Decoherence, eds. K. Fujikawa and
Y.A. Ono, Elsevier Science B.V. (1996) 251-256 |
proceeding |
C |
E. Akiyama and K. Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Evolution of Communication
and Strategies in an Iterated Three-person Game" |
proceeingds of Artificial Life V (1996) 193-201 |
Year 1995 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
D |
Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Remarks on the mean field
dynamics of networks of chaotic elements" | |
Physica 86 D (1995) 158-170 |
paper |
D |
F.H. Willeboordse and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Pattern Dynamics of a
Coupled Map Lattice for Open FLow" | |
Physica D, 86 (1995) 428-455 |
paper |
D |
T. Yanagita and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
Convection: Pattern, Chaos, Spatiotemporal Chaos and Turbulence" | |
Physica D, 82 (1995) 288-313 |
paper |
C |
E. Akiyama and K. Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Evolution of Cooperation,
Differentiation, Complexity, and Diversity in an Iterated Three-person
Game" | |
Artificial Life 2(3): 293-304 (1995) |
paper |
D |
F.H. Willeboordse and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Periodic Lattices of
Chaotic Defects" | |
Phys. Rev. E, 52 (1995) 1516-1519 |
review |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Cooperative Behavior in
Network of Chaotic Elements" |
in Handbook of Brain Theory and Experiments, (MIT press, eds.
M. Arbib), 1995, pp 76-83 |
review |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Coupled Maps: from Local
to Global" |
3 |
in "Computational Physics as a New Frontier in Condensed
Matter Research" J.Phys. Soc. Japan. (1995) 291-302 |
comment |
D |
Y. Tanabe and K. Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Reply to Comment on
Dynamical Behaviors of A Falling Paper" |
Phys. Rev. Lett. (1995) |
proceeding |
A |
K. Kaneko and T. Yomo |
title |
1 |
"A Theory of
Differentiation with Dynamic Clustering" |
in { Advances in Artificial Life"}, Springer (1995)
329-340 (eds. E. Moran et al.) |
proceeding |
A |
T. Yamamoto and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Tile Automaton for
Evolution of Metabolism" |
in { Advances in Artificial Life"}, Springer (1995)
188-199 (eds. E. Moran et al.) |
Year 1994 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
D |
Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Information Cascade with
Marginal Stability in a Network of Chaotic Elements" | |
Physica D 77 (1994) 456-472 |
paper |
D |
Y. Tanabe and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Dynamical Behaviors of A
Falling Paper" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 1372-1375 |
paper |
D |
F.H. Willeboordse and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Bifurcations and Spatial
Chaos in an Open Flow Model" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 533-536 |
paper |
A |
W.Li, T.G. Marr, and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Understanding Long-range
Correlations in DNA Sequences" | |
Physica D, 75 (1994) 392-416 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Chaos as a Source of
Complexity and Diversity in Evolution" | |
Artificial Life 1 (1994) 163-177 |
paper |
A |
J. Suzuki and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Imitation Games" | |
Physica 75D (1994) 328-342 |
paper |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Relevance of Clustering to
Biological Networks" | |
Physica 75 D (1994) 55-73 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko and T. Yomo |
title |
1 |
"Cell Division,
Differentiation, and Dynamic Clustering" | |
Physica 75 D (1994), 89-102 |
paper |
D |
K. Kaneko and T. Konishi |
title |
2 |
"Peeling the Onion of Order
and Chaos in a High-dimensional Hamiltonian System" | |
Physica D 71 (1994) 146-167 |
review |
Kunihiko Kaneko, Ichiro Tsuda |
title |
"Constructive complexity
and artificial reality: an introduction" | |
Physica D 75 (1994) l-10 |
review |
D |
J. Brindley, K. Kaneko, and Kapitaniak |
title |
1 |
"Spatiotemporal Chaos" |
3 |
Chaos, Soliton and Fractals 4 (1994) 1193-1211 |
proceeding |
D |
T. Yanagita and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Phenomenology for
Convection; A Coupled Map Lattice Model" |
(Unstable and Turbulent Motion of Fluid, World Scientific, eds
S. Kida 1994) |
Year 1993 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Chaotic Traveling Wave in
Coupled Map Lattices" | |
Physica D, 68 (1993) 299-317 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko and J. Suzuki |
title |
5 |
"Evolution to the Edge of
Chaos in Imitation Game" | |
Artificial Life III (1993) 43-54 |
paper |
D |
T. Yamamoto and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"He Atom as a Classical
3-body Problem" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 (1993) 1928-1931 |
paper |
D |
T. Yanagita and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Coupled Map Lattice for
Convection" | |
Phys. Lett. A, 175 (1993) 415 -420 |
review |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Coupled Map Lattice
---Introduction, Phenomenology, Lyapunov Analysis, and Applications" |
in Theory and Applications of Coupled Map Lattices (ed. K.
Kaneko, John Wiley and Sons, 1993) pp. 1-49 |
Book |
K. Kaneko |
title |
Theory and Applications of
Coupled Map Lattices | |
(Wiley) 1993: edition and Chapter 1 |
Year 1992 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Propagation of
Disturbance, Co-Moving Lyapunov exponents, and Path Summation" | |
Phys. Lett. 170A (1992) 210-216 |
paper |
A |
D |
T. Ikegami and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
3 |
"Evolution of
Host-Parasitoid Network through Homeochaotic Dynamics" |
Chaos 2 (1992) 397-408 |
paper |
D |
T. Konishi and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Clustered Motion in
Symplectic Coupled Map Systems" | |
J. Phys. A 25 (1992) 6283-6296 |
paper |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Global Travleing Wave
Triggered by Local Phase Slips" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 (1992) 905-908 |
paper |
A |
W. Li and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Long-Range Correlation and
Partial 1/f alpha Spectrum in a Non-Coding DNA Sequence" | |
Europhys. Lett. 17 (1992) 655-660 |
paper |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Mean Field Fluctuation in
Network of Chaotic Elements" | |
Physica 55D (1992) 368-384 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko and T. Ikegami |
title |
5 |
"Homeochaos: Dynamics
Stability of a symbiotic network with population dynamics and evolving
mutation rates" | |
Physica 56 D (1992) 406-429 |
review |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Overview of Coupled Map
lattices" |
Chaos 2 (1992) 279 |
comment |
A |
W.Li and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"DNA correlations" |
Nature (scientific correspondence) 360 (1992) 635-636 |
proceeding |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Network of Chaotic
Elements" |
in { Complexity and Evolution, (Proceeding of Les Houches
Workshop)} (Nova Publishers, 1992) (eds. R. Livi., J-P. Nadal, N.H. Packard) |
proceeding |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Coupled Map Lattice" |
in { Chaos, Order,
and Patterns}, (Plenumn, 1992) (eds. R. Artuso, P. Cvitanovic, and G.
Casati) 237-247 |
proceeding |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Simulating Spatiotemporal
Chaos with Coupled Map Lattices" |
in Computational Approaches in Condensed Matter Physics (ed.
S. Miyashita, M. Imada, H. Takayama, Springer 1992 ), 260-271 |
Year 1991 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Globally Coupled Circle
Maps" | |
Physica 54 D (1991) 5-19 |
paper |
D |
Y. Mori K. Kaneko and M. Wadati |
title |
5 |
"Fracture Dynamics by
Quenching I. Crack Patterns" | |
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 60 (1991) 1591-1599 |
paper |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Partition Complexity in
Network of Chaotic Elements" | |
J. Phys. A 24 (1991) 2107-2119 |
review |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Climbing Up Dynamical
Hierarchy" |
3 |
in {Chaotic Hierarchy}, pp 235-250 ed. G. Baier and M. Klien,
World. Sci. 1991 |
Year 1990 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
A |
T. Ikegami and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Genetic Fusion" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990) 3352-3355 |
paper |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Globally Coupled Chaos
Violates Law of Large Numbers" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990) 1391-1394 |
paper |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
Spatiotemporal Intermittency, and Stability of Fully Developed Spatiotemporal
Chaos" | |
Phys. Lett. 149 A (1990) 105-112 |
paper |
D |
Y. Aizawa I. Nishikawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Soliton Turbulence in
Cellular Automata" | |
Physica 45D (1990) 307-327 |
paper |
D |
T. Konishi and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Diffusion in Hamiltonian
Chaos and Its System Size Dependence" | |
J. Phys. A 23 (1990) 715-720 |
paper |
A |
T. Ikegami and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Computer Symbiosis ---
Emergence of Symbiotic Behavior Through Evolution" | |
Physica D, 42 (1990) 235-243 |
paper |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Clustering, Coding,
Switching, Hierarchical Ordering, and Control in Network of Chaotic
Elements" | |
Physica 41 D (1990) 137-172 |
review |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Simulating Physics with
Coupled Map Lattices ------ Pattern Dynamics, Information Flow, and
Thermodynamics of Spatiotemporal Chaos" | |
pp1-52 in Formation, Dynamics, and Statistcs of Patterns ed.
K. Kawasaki A. Onuki and M. Suzuki World. Sci. 1990 |
proceeding |
C |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
1 |
"Switching and Information
Processing in Network of Chaotic Elements" |
in { Proceeding of International Conference on Fuzzy and
Neural Networks}, (Kyushu Institute of Technology, 1990) 623-626 |