Year 2009 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
A |
B. Pfeuty and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"The combination of positive and negative feedback
loops confers exquisite flexibility to biochemical switches" | |
Physical Biology, 6 (2009) 046013 |
paper |
A |
A. Sakata, K Hukushima, and K.
Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"A statistical-mechanical study of evolution of
robustness in noisy environment" | |
Phys. Rev. E.80, (2009) 051919 |
paper |
A |
B |
A. Awazu and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
3 |
"Ubiquitous “glassy” relaxation in catalytic reaction
networks" | |
Phys Rev. E, 80, 041931 (2009) |
paper |
A |
B |
A. Awazu and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
1 |
"Self-organized criticality of a catalytic reaction
network under flow" | |
Phys. Rev. E.80, 010902(R) 2009 (Rapid Communication) |
paper |
A |
S.Tsuru, J.Ichinose, T. Sakurai,
A.Kashiwagi, B-W. Ying, K. Kaneko, and T. Yomo | |
title |
2 |
"Noisy cell growth rate leads to fluctuating protein
concentration in bacteria" |
Supplement |
Physical Biology 6 (2009) 036015 | |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Relationship among
Phenotypic Plasticity, Genetic and Epigenetic Fluctuations, Robustness, and
Evolovability; Waddington's Legacy revisited under the Spirit of
Einstein" | |
J. Biological Science, 34 (2009) 529-542 |
paper |
A |
C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Chaotic Expression
Dynamics Implies Pluripotency: When Theory and Experimentation Meet" | |
Biology Direct 4 (2009) 17 |
paper |
A |
H. Yoshida and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Unified description of
regeneration by coupled dynamical systems theory: Intercalary/segmented
regeneration in insect legs" | |
Developmental Dynamics 238 (2009) 1974-1983 |
paper |
A |
A. Sakata, K Hukushima, and K.
Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Funnel landscape and
mutational robustness as a result of evolution under thermal noise" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett., 102 (2009) 148101 |
paper |
A |
Y.Ito, H.Toyota, K. Kaneko, and T.
Yomo | |
title |
4 |
"How Selection affects
Phenotypic Fluctuation" |
Supporting Information |
Molecular Systems Biology, 5 (2009) 264 | |
review |
D |
J. Ito and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
of Network Structure in Coupled-map Systems" in "Adaptive
Networks"" | |
ed. H. Sayama and T.Gross. (2009) |
proceeding |
A |
Ayaka Sakata, Koji Hukushima, and
Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
4 |
statistical-mechanical study of evolution of robustness: An approach from
two-temperature models" |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 197 (2009) 012003 |
Year 2008 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
A |
B. Pfeuty, T. David-Pfeuty, and K.
Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Underlying Principles
of cell fate determination during G1 phase of the mammalian cell cycle" | |
Cell Cycle 7 (2008) 1-13 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Shaping Robust System
Through Evolution" | |
Chaos, 18 (2008) 026112 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko and C. Furusawa |
title |
2 |
"Consistency Principle
in Biological Dynamical Systems" | |
4 |
Theory in Biosciences, 127 (2008) 195-204 |
paper |
A |
A. Nakajima and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
Differentiation as Bifurcation of Interacting Cell Population" | |
J. Theor Biol. 253 (2008) 779-787 |
paper |
A |
M. Inoue and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Conditions for
self-consistent aggregation by chemotactic particles" | |
Phys. Rev. E 77, 041916 (2008) |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko, K. Sato, T. Michiue, K.
Okabayashi, K. Ohnuma, H. Danno, and M. Asashima |
title |
1 |
Potential Describing Morphogenesis in vivo and in vitro" | |
J. Experimental Zoology B 310 (2008) 492-503 |
paper |
A |
K. Fujimoto, S. Ishihara, and K.
Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Network Evolution of
Body Plans" | |
4 |
PLoS ONE, 3 (2008) e2772 |
paper |
A |
C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko | |
title |
3 |
"A generic mechanism
for adaptive gowth rate regulation" |
selected in Faculty of 1000
Biology |
PLoS Computationa Biology, 4(2008) e3 | |
paper |
A |
T. Toyota, K. Takakura, Y.
Kageyama, K. Kurihara, N. Maru, K. Ohnuma, K. Kaneko, and T. Sugawara |
title |
2 |
"Population study of
sizes and components of self-reproducing giant multilamellar vesicles." |
Langmuir,24 (2008) 3037-3044 |
review |
A |
K. Kaneko and C. Furusawa |
title |
5 |
"Relevance of
Phenotypic Noise to Adaptation and Evolution" | |
IET Systems Biology, 2 (2008) 234-246 |
review |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
" "Constructive
Approach to Protocell: Theory and Experiments" in
"Protocell"" | |
ed. M. Bedau et al. (2008) |
Year 2007 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
A |
B. Pfeuty and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Minimal requirements
for a robust cell size control in eukaryotic cells" | |
Physical Biology, 4 (2007) 194-204 |
paper |
B |
A. Awazu and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
Transition in Catalytic Reaction Networks" | |
Phys Rev. E76, 041915 (2007) |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Evolution of
Robustness to Noise and Mutation in Gene Expression Dynamics" | |
PLoS One(2007) 2 e434 |
paper |
A |
K. Sato and K. Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Evolution Equation of
Phenotype Distribution: General Formulation and Application to Error
Catastrophe" | |
Phys. Rev. E75 (2007) 061909 |
paper |
B |
Y. Watanabe and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"State Generation by
Transient Truncation in Coupled Threshold Dynamics" | |
Phys. Rev. E., 75 (2007) 016206 |
paper |
B |
Y. Togashi and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Switching Dynamics in
reaction Networks Induced by Molecular Discreteness" |
J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 19,(2007) 065150 (10p) |
proceeding |
A |
Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"From a set of chemical
reactions to reproducing cells" |
Origin of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, 37 (2007)
449-453 |
proceeding |
A |
Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Minority control and
Genetic Takeover" |
Origin of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, 37(2007)
465-468 |
proceeding |
A |
Chikara Furusawa and Kunihiko
Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Universal Statistics
for Chemical Abundances in Reprducing Cell" |
Journal of Korean Physical Scoiety, 2007, vol.50 142-149 |
Year 2006 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
A |
A. Kashiwagi, I. Urabe, K. Kaneko
and T. Yomo |
title |
3 |
"Adaptive response of a
gene network to environmental changes by attractor selection" | |
PLOS ONE 1 (2006) e49
(selected for Faculty of 1000 Biology ) |
paper |
A |
D. Lawson, H.J. Jensen and K.
Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Diversity as a product
of interspecial interactions" | |
J theor. Biol. 243(2006) 299-307 |
paper |
A |
M. Inoue and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Condition for
Intra-cellular Adaptive Dynamics for Chemotaxis" | |
Phys. Rev. E., 74 (2006) 011903 |
paper |
A |
K. Sato and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"On the Distribution of
State Values of Reproducing Cells" | |
Physical Biology 3 (2006) 74-82 |
paper |
B |
D |
H. Morita and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
2 |
"Collective oscillation
in a Hamiltonian dynamical system" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett.96 (2006) 050602 |
paper |
A |
B |
S. Ishihara and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
2 |
"Turing pattern with
proportion preservation" | |
J. Theo. Biol. 238 (2006) 683-693 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko and C. Furusawa |
title |
4 |
"An Evolutionary
Relationship between Genetic Variation and Phenotypic Fluctuation" | |
J. Theo. Biol. 240 (2006) 78-86 |
paper |
A |
C.Furusawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
Plasticity, and Irreversibility" | |
International Journal Developmental Biology, 50 (2006)
223-232 |
paper |
A |
C.Furusawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Evolutionary origin of
power-laws in Biochemical Reaction Network; embedding abundance distribution
into topology" | |
4 |
Phys. Rev. E 73, (2006) 011912 |
paper |
C |
A. Ponzi, A. Yasutomi and K.
Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Complex Dynamical
Behavior in Economic Production Networks" | |
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 61 (2006)
729-749 |
paper |
A |
Kiyoshi Ohnuma, Tetsuya Yomo,
Makoto Asashima and Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Sorting of cells of
the same size, shape, and cell cycle stage for a single cell level assay
without staining" | |
BMC Cell Biology 2006, 7:25 |
review |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
" "Consistency
Principle in a Biological System" Crossraods" |
2 |
Journal of Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics
Vol.13. Oct. 2006 |
proceeding |
D |
Hidetoshi Morita and Kunihiko
Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Self-organization of
collective oscillation in many body systems" |
2 |
Institute of Physics
Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 31 (2006) 63?67 / The Third
21COE Symposium: Astrophysics as Interdisciplinary Science |
proceeding |
B |
Akinori Awazu and Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Pulse Replications and
spatially differentiated structure formation in one-dimensional lattice
dynamical system" |
Mathematical Biosciences 201 (2006) 90-100 |
proceeding |
D |
Takeshi Sugawara and Kunihiko
Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Pattern Dynamics in a
Two-dimensional Gas Discharge System" |
Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 161 (2006) 344-347 |
proceeding |
D |
Hidetoshi Morita and Kunihiko
Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Collective Motion as a
Transient Structure in a Hamiltonain Dynamical System" |
2 |
Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 162 (2006) 104-111 |
Book |
K. Kaneko |
title |
Life: An Introduction to
Complex Systems Biology | |
Springer 2006 |
Year 2005 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
B |
K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Inter-Intra Molecular
Dynamics as an Iterated Function System" | |
J. Phys. Soc. Japan 74 (2005), 2386-2390 |
paper |
B |
C |
D |
S. Ishihara and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
3 |
1 |
"Magic number 7 ± 2 in
networks of threshold dynamics" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett., 94(2005) 058102 |
paper |
B |
D |
H. Morita and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
2 |
"Roundabout relaxation:
collective excitation requires a detour to equilibrium" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett., 94 (2005) 087203 |
paper |
A |
C. Furusawa, T. Suzuki, A.
Kashiwagi, T. Yomo, and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Ubiquity of Log-normal
Distributions in Intra-cellular Reaction Dynamics" | |
BIOPHYSICS, 1(2005) 25 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"On Recursive
Production and Evolvabilty of Cells: Catalytic Reaction Network
Approach" | |
Adv. Chem. Phys. , 130 (2005) 543-598 |
paper |
A |
H. Yoshida, C.Furusawa and K.
Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Selection of initial
condition for recursive production of multicellular organisms" | |
J. theor. Biol.233, (2005) 501-514 |
paper |
A |
H. Takagi and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Dynamical Systems
Basis of Metamorphosis: Diversity and Plasticity of Cellular States in
Reaction Diffusion Netowork" | |
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 234, (2005) 173-186 |
paper |
B |
Y. Togashi and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
Stochastic Steady State in Reaction Diffusion Systems: Self-consistent
Analysis and Stochastic Simulations" | |
Physica D 205(2005) 87-99 |
paper |
D |
F. Willeboordse and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Externally controlled
attractor selection in a high-dimensional system" | |
Phys. Rev. E. , 72 (2005) 026207 |
paper |
D |
S. Honjo and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Structure of
Resonances and Transport in Multidimensional Hamiltonian Dynamical
Systems" |
Adv.Chem.Phys.,130 (2005) 437-463 |
review |
A |
K. Kaneko and Chikara Furusawa |
title |
2 |
" "Universal
Statistics of Cells with Recursive Production"" in "Networks
of interacting machines: productuion orgganization in complex industrial
systems and biological cells"" | |
World Scientific. ed. A Mikhailov et al. (2005) |
review |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Coupled Map
Lattices" |
Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science. Ed. Alwyn Scott. New
York: Routledge, 2005. |
proceeding |
A |
Tetsuya Yomo, Yoichiro Ito,
Katsuhiko Sato, Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Phenotypic fluctuation
rendered by a single genotype and evolutionary rate" |
Physica A 350 (2005) 1-5 |
Year 2004 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
B |
K. Fujimoto and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Convective Instability
with Time Scale Translation of the Transmitted Disturbance" | |
Physica D, 196, 67-89. 2004 |
paper |
B |
Y. Togashi and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Molecular discreteness
in reaction-diffusion systems yields steady states not seen in the continuum
limit" | |
Phys. Rev. E, 70, 020901(R). 2004 |
paper |
B |
A.Awazu and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Relaxation to
equilibrium can be hindered by transient dissipative structures" | |
3 |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 258302 |
paper |
B |
N. Nakagawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Autonomous Energy
Transducer: Proposition, Example, Basic Characteristics" | |
Physica A 338 (2004) 511-536 |
proceeding |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Constructive and
Dynamical Systems Approach to Life" | |
2 |
Proceedings of Modelling
and Theory in Biological systems , Function and Regulation of Cellular
Systems:Experiments and Models,213-224, ed. by A.Deutsch, M.Falcke, J.Howard,
W.Zimmermann(Birkhaeuser Verlag Basel) |
Year 2003 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
B |
D |
H. Morita and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
2 |
Bottleneck in Energy Relaxation" | |
Europhys. Lett., 66(2003) 198-204 |
paper |
A |
K. Sato, Y. Ito, T. Yomo, and K.
Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"On the Relation
between Fluctuation and Response in Biological Systems" | |
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 100 (2003) 14086-14090 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
Switching, and Fluctuations in a Replicating Catalytic Network" | |
Phys. Rev.E. 68 (2003) 031909 |
paper |
B |
K. Fujimoto and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Bifurcation cascade
realized by Chaotic Itinerancy" |
Chaos 13 (2003) 1041-1056 |
paper |
B |
N. Nakagawa and K. Kaneko, and T.
Komatsu |
title |
4 |
"Energy Conversion by
Autonomous Regulation of Chaos: Dynamical Mechanism of Loose Coupling" | |
Chaos, 13 (2003) 1032-1040 |
paper |
B |
K. Fujimoto and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"How Fast Elements can
Affect Slow Dynamics" | |
Physica D 180 (2003) 1-16 |
paper |
B |
Y. Togashi and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Alteration of Chemical
Concentrations through Discreteness-Induced Transitions in Small
Autocatalytic Systems" | |
J.Phys.Soc. Japan 72 (2003)62-68 |
paper |
A |
C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Zipf's law in Gene
Expression" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett., 90 (2003) 088102 (selected in Faculty of
1000 Biology as hidden jewel ) |
paper |
A |
C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Robust Development as
a Consequence of Generated Positional Information" | |
J. Theor. Biol. 224 (2003) 413-435 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Recursiveness and
Evolvability in Mutually Catalytic Reaction System" | |
Adv. in Complex Systems, Vol.6 (2003)79-92 |
paper |
D |
J. Ito and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Spontaneous structure
formation in a network of dynamic elements" | |
Phys Rev E 67 (2003) 046226 |
paper |
B |
N. Nakagawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Dynamical mechanism
for the conversion of energy at a molecular scale" | |
Phys. Rev. E 67 (2003) 040901(R) |
paper |
C |
A. Ponzi, A. Yasutomi, and K.
Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"A Nonlinear model of
Economic Production Processes" | |
Physica A 324 (2003) 372-379 |
paper |
C |
N. Kataoka and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Dynamical Networks in
Function Dynamics" | |
Physica D 181 (2003) 235-251 |
paper |
D |
T. Shibata and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Coupled Map Gas:
structure formation and dynamics of interacting mobile elements with internal
dynamics" | |
Physica D 181(2003) 197-214 |
paper |
A |
T. Yamamoto and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Tile Automaton in the
well-mixed medium" | |
Physica D 181 (2003) 252-273 |
review |
D |
K. Kaneko and I. Tsuda |
title |
1 |
Itinerancy" | |
Chaos, 13 (2003) 926-936 |
review |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Prevalence of milnor
attractors and chaotic itinerancy in 'high'-dimensional dynamical
systems" |
in Synchronization: Theory
and Application, II.Math.Phys.Chem. vol.109(2003)65-77, (Kluwer Academic
Publishers) edit.A.Pikovsky, Y.Maistrenko, |
review |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Organization through
Intra-Inter Dynamics" |
in Origination of
Organismal Form: Beyond the Gene in Developmental and Evolutionary Biology
(The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology) (MIT press, 2003) eds. G. Mueller
and S. Newman |
Year 2002 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
C |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
1 |
"Dominance of Minlnor
attractors in Globally Coupled Dynamical Systems with more than 7 +- 2
degrees of freedom (retitled from `Magic Number 7 +- 2 in Globally Coupled
Dynamical Systems') " | |
Phys. Rev. E.66, 055201(R) 2002 |
paper |
A |
C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Origin of
Multicellular Organisms as an Inevitable Consequence of Dynamical
Systems" | |
Anatomical Record, 268 (2002) 327-342 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Symbiotic Sympatric
Speciation: Compliance with Interaction-driven Phenotype Differentiation from
a Single Genotype" | |
Population Ecology, 44 (2002) 71-85 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Kinetic Origin of
Heredity in a Replicating System with a Catalytic Network" | |
J. Biol. Phys., 28 (2002) 781-792 |
paper |
B |
H. Takagi and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Pattern Dynamics of a
Multi-Component Reaction-Diffusion System:Differentiation of Replicating
Spots" | |
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 11 (2002) 2579-2598 |
paper |
D |
J. Ito and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Spontaneous structure
formation in a network of chaotic units with variable connection
strengths" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett., 88 (2002) 028701-1 |
paper |
D |
S. Ishihara and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Simple dynamical
system model of history dependent phenomena" | |
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 71 (2002) 2357-2360 |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko and T. Yomo |
title |
2 |
"On a kinetic origin of
heredity :minority control in replicating molecules" | |
J. Theor. Biol. 214 (2002) 563-576 (nlin.AO/0105031) |
paper |
A |
K. Kaneko and T. Yomo |
title |
4 |
Diversification through Interaction-driven Phenotype Differentiation" | |
Evol Eco. Res., 4 (2002) 317-350 |
paper |
C |
E. Akiyama and K. Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Dynamical Systems Game
Theory II" | |
Phsyica D 167 (2002) 36-71 |
review |
A |
D |
K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
1 |
"From Coupled Dynamical
Systems to Biological Irreversibility" |
Adv. in Chem. Phys. 122 (2002) 53-73 |
proceeding |
A |
H. Takagi and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Dynamic Relationship
between Diversity and Plasticity of Cell types in Multi-cellular State" |
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of
Artificial Life, 79-88. (2002) |
Year 2001 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
A |
C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Theory of Robustness
of Irreversible Differentiation in a Stem Cell System: Chaos Hypothesis" | |
J. Theor. Biol. 209 (2001) 395-416 |
paper |
B |
Y. Togashi and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Transitions Induced by
the Discreteness of Molecules in a Small Autocatalytic System" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett., 86 (2001) 2459-2462 |
paper |
B |
D |
N. Nakagawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
3 |
2 |
"Relaxation, the
Boltzmann-Jeans Conjecture and Chaos" | |
Phys. Rev. E 64., (2001) 055205®-209 |
paper |
C |
Y. Takahashi, N. Kataoka, K.
Kaneko, and T. Namiki |
title |
2 |
Dynamics" | |
Jap. J. J. Appl. Math., 18 (2001) 405-423 |
paper |
B |
H. Takagi and K. Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Differentiation and
Replication of Spots in a Reaction Diffusion System with Many Chemicals" | |
Europhys. Lett. 56 (2001) 145-151 |
paper |
C |
Naoto Kataoka and Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Functional Dynamics
II: Syntactic structure" | |
Phsyica D 149 (2001) 174-196 |
paper |
C |
A. Saito and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Inaccessibility and
Undecidability in Computation, Geometry and Dynamical Systems" | |
Physica D 155 (2001) 1-33 |
paper |
D |
Koichi Fujimoto and Kunihiko
Kaneko |
title |
3 |
"Sensitive boundary
condition dependence of noise-sustained structure" | |
Phys. Rev. E. 63 (2001) 036128 |
Book |
K. Kaneko and I. Tsuda |
title |
Complex Systems: Chaos and
Beyond | |
Springer 2001 |
Year 2000 |
type |
theme |
author, title,
journal, volume, page, year |
paper |
A |
C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Complex Orgnization in
multicullarity as a necessity in evolution" | |
Artificial Life, 6(2000) 265-281 |
paper |
A |
H. Takagi, K. Kaneko, and T. Yomo |
title |
4 |
"Evolution of genetic
code through isologous diversification of cellular states" | |
Artificial Life 6(2000) 283-305 |
paper |
B |
D |
N. Nakagawa, K. Kaneko and T.S.
Komatsu |
title |
3 |
2 |
"Long-term Relaxation
of a Composite System in Partial Contact with a Heat Bath" | |
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 69 (2000) 3214-3222 |
paper |
C |
Naoto Kataoka, Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Natural language from
functional dynamics" | |
Biosystems 57 (2000) 1-11 |
paper |
A |
Kunihiko Kaneko and Tetsuya Yomo |
title |
4 |
"Sympatric Speciation:
compliance with phenotype diversification from a single genotype" | |
Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 267
(2000) 2367-2373 |
paper |
C |
Naoto Kataoka and Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
2 |
"Functional Dynamics I
: Articulation Process" | |
Physica D 138 (2000)
225-250 |
paper |
A |
C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Origin of complexity
in multicellular organisms" | |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000)
6130-6133 |
paper |
B |
D |
Naoko Nakagawa and Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
3 |
2 |
"Energy Storage in a
Hamiltonian System in Partial Contact with a Heat Bath" | |
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 69
(2000) 1255-1258 |
paper |
D |
Junji Ito and Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
1 |
hierarchical structure in a plastic network of chaotic units" | |
Neural Networks, 13 (2000)
275-281 |
paper |
C |
Eizo Akiyama, Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Dynamical Systems Game
Theory and Dynamics of Games" | |
Physica D 147 (2000)
221-258 |
paper |
A |
Kunihiko Kaneko and Chikara
Furusawa |
title |
1 |
"Robust and
Irreversible Development in Cell Society as a General Consequence of
Intra-Inter Dynamics" | |
Physica A 280 (2000) 22-33 |
paper |
D |
N.B. Ouchi and K. Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Coupled Map with Local
and Global interactions" |
Chaos 10 (2000) 359-365 |
review |
A |
M.A. Bedau, J.S. McCaskill, N.H.
Packard, S. Rasmussen, C. Adami, D.G.Green, T. Ikegami, K. Kaneko, and. T.S.
Ray |
title |
5 |
"Open Problems in
Artificial Life" |
Artificial Life 6 (2000) 363-376 |
proceeding |
B |
A. Saito and K. Kaneko |
title |
5 |
"Inaccessibility in
Decision Procedures" |
in Unconventional Models of Computation" UMC'2K,
edited by I. Antoniou et al., Springer, London, 215-233 (2000) |
proceeding |
A |
Kunihiko Kaneko and Tetsuya Yomo |
title |
4 |
"Sympatric Speciation
from Interaction-induced Phenotype Differentiation" |
Proceedings of the Artificial Life VII conference, MIT
press (Bedau et al. ed., 2000) 113-121 |
proceeding |
A |
Chikara Furusawa and Kunihiko
Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Complex organization
in multicellularity as a necessity in evolution" |
4 |
Proceeding of the Artificial Life VII conference, MIT
press(Bedau et al. ed., 2000) 103-112 |
proceeding |
A |
Hiroaki Takagi and Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
1 |
"Evolution of genetic
code through isologous diversification of cellular states" |
4 |
Proceedings of the Artificial Life VII conference, MIT
press(Bedau et al. ed., 2000) 122-131 |
proceeding |
C |
Eizo Akiyama, Kunihiko Kaneko |
title |
4 |
"Social Dilemma and
Dynamical Systems Game" |
Proceedings of the Artificial Life VII conference, MIT
press(Bedau et al. ed., 2000) 186-195 |