Year 2009
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper A   B. Pfeuty and K. Kaneko  
title 3   "The combination of positive and negative feedback loops confers exquisite flexibility to biochemical switches"
          Physical Biology, 6 (2009) 046013  
paper A       A. Sakata, K Hukushima, and K. Kaneko  
title 4   "A statistical-mechanical study of evolution of robustness in noisy environment"
          Phys. Rev. E.80, (2009) 051919  
paper A B     A. Awazu and K. Kaneko  
title 2 3   "Ubiquitous “glassy” relaxation in catalytic reaction networks"
          Phys Rev. E, 80, 041931 (2009)  
paper A B     A. Awazu and K. Kaneko  
title 2 1   "Self-organized criticality of a catalytic reaction network under flow"
          Phys. Rev. E.80, 010902(R) 2009 (Rapid Communication)  
paper A       S.Tsuru, J.Ichinose, T. Sakurai, A.Kashiwagi, B-W. Ying, K. Kaneko, and T. Yomo
title 2   "Noisy cell growth rate leads to fluctuating protein concentration in bacteria" Supplement
          Physical Biology 6 (2009) 036015
paper A       K. Kaneko  
title 4   "Relationship among Phenotypic Plasticity, Genetic and Epigenetic Fluctuations, Robustness, and Evolovability; Waddington's Legacy revisited under the Spirit of Einstein"
          J. Biological Science, 34 (2009) 529-542  
paper A       C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Chaotic Expression Dynamics Implies Pluripotency: When Theory and Experimentation Meet"
          Biology Direct 4 (2009) 17  
paper A       H. Yoshida and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Unified description of regeneration by coupled dynamical systems theory: Intercalary/segmented regeneration in insect legs"
          Developmental Dynamics 238 (2009) 1974-1983  
paper A       A. Sakata, K Hukushima, and K. Kaneko  
title 4   "Funnel landscape and mutational robustness as a result of evolution under thermal noise"
          Phys. Rev. Lett., 102 (2009) 148101  
paper A       Y.Ito, H.Toyota, K. Kaneko, and T. Yomo
title 4   "How Selection affects Phenotypic Fluctuation" Supporting Information
          Molecular Systems Biology, 5 (2009) 264
review       D J. Ito and K. Kaneko  
title   1 ""Self-Organization of Network Structure in Coupled-map Systems" in "Adaptive Networks""
          ed. H. Sayama and T.Gross. (2009)  
proceeding A       Ayaka Sakata, Koji Hukushima, and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title 4   "A statistical-mechanical study of evolution of robustness: An approach from two-temperature models"  
          Journal of Physics: Conference Series 197 (2009) 012003  
Year 2008
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper A       B. Pfeuty, T. David-Pfeuty, and K. Kaneko  
title 5   "Underlying Principles of cell fate determination during G1 phase of the mammalian cell cycle"
          Cell Cycle 7 (2008) 1-13  
paper A       K. Kaneko  
title 4   "Shaping Robust System Through Evolution"
          Chaos, 18 (2008) 026112  
paper A       K. Kaneko and C. Furusawa  
title 2   "Consistency Principle in Biological Dynamical Systems"
  4       Theory in Biosciences, 127 (2008) 195-204  
paper A       A. Nakajima and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Regulative Differentiation as Bifurcation of Interacting Cell Population"
          J. Theor Biol. 253 (2008) 779-787  
paper A       M. Inoue and K. Kaneko  
title 3   "Conditions for self-consistent aggregation by chemotactic particles"
          Phys. Rev. E 77, 041916 (2008)  
paper A       K. Kaneko, K. Sato, T. Michiue, K. Okabayashi, K. Ohnuma, H. Danno, and M. Asashima  
title 1   "Developmental Potential Describing Morphogenesis in vivo and in vitro"
          J. Experimental Zoology B 310 (2008) 492-503  
paper A       K. Fujimoto, S. Ishihara, and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Network Evolution of Body Plans"
  4       PLoS ONE, 3 (2008) e2772  
paper A       C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko
title 3   "A generic mechanism for adaptive gowth rate regulation" selected in Faculty of 1000 Biology
          PLoS Computationa Biology, 4(2008) e3
paper A       T. Toyota, K. Takakura, Y. Kageyama, K. Kurihara, N. Maru, K. Ohnuma, K. Kaneko, and T. Sugawara  
title 2   "Population study of sizes and components of self-reproducing giant multilamellar vesicles."  
          Langmuir,24 (2008) 3037-3044  
review A       K. Kaneko and C. Furusawa  
title 5   "Relevance of Phenotypic Noise to Adaptation and Evolution"
          IET Systems Biology, 2 (2008) 234-246  
review A       K. Kaneko  
title 2   " "Constructive Approach to Protocell: Theory and Experiments" in "Protocell""
          ed. M. Bedau et al. (2008)  
Year 2007
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper A       B. Pfeuty and K. Kaneko  
title 2   "Minimal requirements for a robust cell size control in eukaryotic cells"
          Physical Biology, 4 (2007) 194-204  
paper   B     A. Awazu and K. Kaneko  
title   1   "Discretenss-induced Transition in Catalytic Reaction Networks"
          Phys Rev. E76, 041915 (2007)  
paper A       K. Kaneko  
title 4   "Evolution of Robustness to Noise and Mutation in Gene Expression Dynamics"
          PLoS One(2007) 2 e434  
paper A       K. Sato and K. Kaneko  
title 4   "Evolution Equation of Phenotype Distribution: General Formulation and Application to Error Catastrophe"
          Phys. Rev. E75 (2007) 061909  
paper   B     Y. Watanabe and K. Kaneko  
title   5   "State Generation by Transient Truncation in Coupled Threshold Dynamics"
          Phys. Rev. E., 75 (2007) 016206  
paper   B     Y. Togashi and K. Kaneko  
title   1   "Switching Dynamics in reaction Networks Induced by Molecular Discreteness"  
          J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 19,(2007) 065150 (10p)   
proceeding A       Kunihiko Kaneko  
title 2   "From a set of chemical reactions to reproducing cells"  
          Origin of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, 37 (2007) 449-453  
proceeding A       Kunihiko Kaneko  
title 2   "Minority control and Genetic Takeover"  
          Origin of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, 37(2007) 465-468  
proceeding A       Chikara Furusawa and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title 2   "Universal Statistics for Chemical Abundances in Reprducing Cell"  
          Journal of Korean Physical Scoiety, 2007, vol.50 142-149  
Year 2006
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper A       A. Kashiwagi, I. Urabe, K. Kaneko and T. Yomo  
title 3   "Adaptive response of a gene network to environmental changes by attractor selection"
          PLOS ONE 1 (2006) e49  (selected for Faculty of 1000 Biology )   
paper A       D. Lawson, H.J. Jensen and K. Kaneko  
title 4   "Diversity as a product of interspecial interactions"
          J theor. Biol. 243(2006) 299-307  
paper A       M. Inoue and K. Kaneko  
title 3   "Condition for Intra-cellular Adaptive Dynamics for Chemotaxis"
          Phys. Rev. E., 74 (2006) 011903  
paper A       K. Sato and K. Kaneko  
title 2   "On the Distribution of State Values of Reproducing Cells"
          Physical Biology 3 (2006) 74-82  
paper   B   D H. Morita and K. Kaneko  
title   3 2 "Collective oscillation in a Hamiltonian dynamical system"
          Phys. Rev. Lett.96 (2006) 050602  
paper A B     S. Ishihara and K. Kaneko  
title 1 2   "Turing pattern with proportion preservation"
          J. Theo. Biol. 238 (2006) 683-693  
paper A       K. Kaneko and C. Furusawa  
title 4   "An Evolutionary Relationship between Genetic Variation and Phenotypic Fluctuation"
          J. Theo. Biol. 240 (2006) 78-86  
paper A       C.Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Morphogenesis, Plasticity, and Irreversibility"
          International Journal Developmental Biology, 50 (2006) 223-232  
paper A       C.Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 2   "Evolutionary origin of power-laws in Biochemical Reaction Network; embedding abundance distribution into topology"
  4       Phys. Rev. E 73, (2006) 011912  
paper     C   A. Ponzi, A. Yasutomi and K. Kaneko  
title   4   "Complex Dynamical Behavior in Economic Production Networks"
          Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 61 (2006) 729-749  
paper A       Kiyoshi Ohnuma, Tetsuya Yomo, Makoto Asashima and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title 5   "Sorting of cells of the same size, shape, and cell cycle stage for a single cell level assay without staining"
          BMC Cell Biology 2006, 7:25  
review A       K. Kaneko  
title 1   " "Consistency Principle in a Biological System" Crossraods"  
  2       Journal of Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics Vol.13. Oct. 2006  
proceeding       D Hidetoshi Morita and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   1 "Self-organization of collective oscillation in many body systems"  
        2 Institute of Physics Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 31 (2006) 63?67 / The Third 21COE Symposium: Astrophysics as Interdisciplinary Science  
proceeding   B     Akinori Awazu and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   2   "Pulse Replications and spatially differentiated structure formation in one-dimensional lattice dynamical system"  
          Mathematical Biosciences 201 (2006) 90-100  
proceeding       D Takeshi Sugawara and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   3 "Pattern Dynamics in a Two-dimensional Gas Discharge System"  
          Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 161 (2006) 344-347  
proceeding       D Hidetoshi Morita and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   1 "Collective Motion as a Transient Structure in a Hamiltonain Dynamical System"  
        2 Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 162 (2006) 104-111  
Book         K. Kaneko  
title     Life: An Introduction to Complex Systems Biology
          Springer 2006  
Year 2005
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper   B     K. Kaneko  
title   5   "Inter-Intra Molecular Dynamics as an Iterated Function System"
          J. Phys. Soc. Japan 74 (2005), 2386-2390  
paper   B C D S. Ishihara and K. Kaneko  
title   5 3 1 "Magic number 7 ± 2 in networks of threshold dynamics"
          Phys. Rev. Lett., 94(2005) 058102  
paper   B   D H. Morita and K. Kaneko  
title   3 2 "Roundabout relaxation: collective excitation requires a detour to equilibrium"
          Phys. Rev. Lett., 94 (2005) 087203  
paper A       C. Furusawa, T. Suzuki, A. Kashiwagi, T. Yomo, and K. Kaneko  
title 2   "Ubiquity of Log-normal Distributions in Intra-cellular Reaction Dynamics"
          BIOPHYSICS, 1(2005) 25  
paper A       K. Kaneko  
title 2   "On Recursive Production and Evolvabilty of Cells: Catalytic Reaction Network Approach"
          Adv. Chem. Phys. , 130 (2005) 543-598  
paper A       H. Yoshida, C.Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Selection of initial condition for recursive production of multicellular organisms"
          J. theor. Biol.233, (2005) 501-514  
paper A       H. Takagi and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Dynamical Systems Basis of Metamorphosis: Diversity and Plasticity of Cellular States in Reaction Diffusion Netowork"
          Journal of Theoretical Biology, 234, (2005) 173-186  
paper   B     Y. Togashi and K. Kaneko  
title   1   "Discreteness-induced Stochastic Steady State in Reaction Diffusion Systems: Self-consistent Analysis and Stochastic Simulations"
          Physica D 205(2005) 87-99  
paper       D F. Willeboordse and K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Externally controlled attractor selection in a high-dimensional system"
          Phys. Rev. E. , 72 (2005) 026207  
paper       D S. Honjo and K. Kaneko  
title   2 "Structure of Resonances and Transport in Multidimensional Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems"  
          Adv.Chem.Phys.,130 (2005) 437-463  
review A       K. Kaneko and Chikara Furusawa  
title 2   " "Universal Statistics of Cells with Recursive Production"" in "Networks of interacting machines: productuion orgganization in complex industrial systems and biological cells""
          World Scientific. ed. A Mikhailov et al. (2005)  
review       D K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Coupled Map Lattices"  
          Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science. Ed. Alwyn Scott. New York: Routledge, 2005.  
proceeding A       Tetsuya Yomo, Yoichiro Ito, Katsuhiko Sato, Kunihiko Kaneko  
title 4   "Phenotypic fluctuation rendered by a single genotype and evolutionary rate"  
          Physica A 350 (2005) 1-5  
Year 2004
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper   B     K. Fujimoto and K. Kaneko  
title   5   "Convective Instability with Time Scale Translation of the Transmitted Disturbance"
          Physica D, 196, 67-89. 2004  
paper   B     Y. Togashi and K. Kaneko  
title   1   "Molecular discreteness in reaction-diffusion systems yields steady states not seen in the continuum limit"
          Phys. Rev. E, 70, 020901(R). 2004  
paper   B     A.Awazu and K. Kaneko  
title   2   "Relaxation to equilibrium can be hindered by transient dissipative structures"
    3     Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 258302  
paper   B     N. Nakagawa and K. Kaneko  
title   4   "Autonomous Energy Transducer: Proposition, Example, Basic Characteristics"
          Physica A 338 (2004) 511-536  
proceeding A       K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Constructive and Dynamical Systems Approach to Life"
  2       Proceedings of Modelling and Theory in Biological systems , Function and Regulation of Cellular Systems:Experiments and Models,213-224, ed. by A.Deutsch, M.Falcke, J.Howard, W.Zimmermann(Birkhaeuser Verlag Basel)  
Year 2003
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper   B   D H. Morita and K. Kaneko  
title   3 2 "Self-Organized Bottleneck in Energy Relaxation"
          Europhys. Lett., 66(2003) 198-204  
paper A       K. Sato, Y. Ito, T. Yomo, and K. Kaneko  
title 4   "On the Relation between Fluctuation and Response in Biological Systems"
          Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 100 (2003) 14086-14090  
paper A       K. Kaneko  
title 2   "Recursiveness, Switching, and Fluctuations in a Replicating Catalytic Network"
          Phys. Rev.E. 68 (2003) 031909  
paper   B     K. Fujimoto and K. Kaneko  
title   5   "Bifurcation cascade realized by Chaotic Itinerancy"  
          Chaos 13 (2003) 1041-1056  
paper   B     N. Nakagawa and K. Kaneko, and T. Komatsu  
title   4   "Energy Conversion by Autonomous Regulation of Chaos: Dynamical Mechanism of Loose Coupling"
          Chaos, 13 (2003) 1032-1040  
paper   B     K. Fujimoto and K. Kaneko  
title   5   "How Fast Elements can Affect Slow Dynamics"
          Physica D 180 (2003) 1-16  
paper   B     Y. Togashi and K. Kaneko  
title   1   "Alteration of Chemical Concentrations through Discreteness-Induced Transitions in Small Autocatalytic Systems"
          J.Phys.Soc. Japan 72 (2003)62-68  
paper A       C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 2   "Zipf's law in Gene Expression"
          Phys. Rev. Lett., 90 (2003) 088102 (selected in Faculty of 1000 Biology as hidden jewel )  
paper A       C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Robust Development as a Consequence of Generated Positional Information"
          J. Theor. Biol. 224 (2003) 413-435  
paper A       K. Kaneko  
title 2   "Recursiveness and Evolvability in Mutually Catalytic Reaction System"
          Adv. in Complex Systems, Vol.6 (2003)79-92  
paper       D J. Ito and K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Spontaneous structure formation in a network of dynamic elements"
          Phys Rev E 67 (2003) 046226  
paper   B     N. Nakagawa and K. Kaneko  
title   4   "Dynamical mechanism for the conversion of energy at a molecular scale"
          Phys. Rev. E 67 (2003) 040901(R)  
paper     C   A. Ponzi, A. Yasutomi, and K. Kaneko  
title   4   "A Nonlinear model of Economic Production Processes"
          Physica A 324 (2003) 372-379  
paper     C   N. Kataoka and K. Kaneko  
title   2   "Dynamical Networks in Function Dynamics"
          Physica D 181 (2003) 235-251  
paper       D T. Shibata and K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Coupled Map Gas: structure formation and dynamics of interacting mobile elements with internal dynamics"
          Physica D 181(2003) 197-214  
paper A       T. Yamamoto and K. Kaneko  
title 5   "Tile Automaton in the well-mixed medium"
          Physica D 181 (2003) 252-273  
review       D K. Kaneko and I. Tsuda  
title   1 "Chaotic Itinerancy"
          Chaos, 13 (2003) 926-936  
review       D K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Prevalence of milnor attractors and chaotic itinerancy in 'high'-dimensional dynamical systems"  
          in Synchronization: Theory and Application, II.Math.Phys.Chem. vol.109(2003)65-77, (Kluwer Academic Publishers) edit.A.Pikovsky, Y.Maistrenko,   
review A       K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Organization through Intra-Inter Dynamics"  
          in Origination of Organismal Form: Beyond the Gene in Developmental and Evolutionary Biology (The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology) (MIT press, 2003) eds. G. Mueller and S. Newman  
Year 2002
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper     C D K. Kaneko  
title   3 1 "Dominance of Minlnor attractors in Globally Coupled Dynamical Systems with more than 7 +- 2 degrees of freedom (retitled from `Magic Number 7 +- 2 in Globally Coupled Dynamical Systems') "
          Phys. Rev. E.66, 055201(R) 2002  
paper A       C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Origin of Multicellular Organisms as an Inevitable Consequence of Dynamical Systems"
          Anatomical Record, 268 (2002) 327-342  
paper A       K. Kaneko  
title 4   "Symbiotic Sympatric Speciation: Compliance with Interaction-driven Phenotype Differentiation from a Single Genotype"
          Population Ecology, 44 (2002) 71-85  
paper A       K. Kaneko  
title 2   "Kinetic Origin of Heredity in a Replicating System with a Catalytic Network"
          J. Biol. Phys., 28 (2002) 781-792  
paper   B     H. Takagi and K. Kaneko  
title   2   "Pattern Dynamics of a Multi-Component Reaction-Diffusion System:Differentiation of Replicating Spots"
          Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 11 (2002) 2579-2598  
paper       D J. Ito and K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Spontaneous structure formation in a network of chaotic units with variable connection strengths"
          Phys. Rev. Lett., 88 (2002) 028701-1  
paper       D S. Ishihara and K. Kaneko  
title   3 "Simple dynamical system model of history dependent phenomena"
          J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 71 (2002) 2357-2360  
paper A       K. Kaneko and T. Yomo  
title 2   "On a kinetic origin of heredity :minority control in replicating molecules"
          J. Theor. Biol. 214 (2002) 563-576 (nlin.AO/0105031)  
paper A       K. Kaneko and T. Yomo  
title 4   "Genetic Diversification through Interaction-driven Phenotype Differentiation"
          Evol Eco. Res., 4 (2002) 317-350  
paper     C   E. Akiyama and K. Kaneko  
title   4   "Dynamical Systems Game Theory II"
          Phsyica D 167 (2002) 36-71  
review A     D K. Kaneko  
title 1 1 "From Coupled Dynamical Systems to Biological Irreversibility"  
          Adv. in Chem. Phys. 122 (2002) 53-73  
proceeding A       H. Takagi and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Dynamic Relationship between Diversity and Plasticity of Cell types in Multi-cellular State"  
          Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Artificial Life, 79-88. (2002)  
Year 2001
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper A       C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Theory of Robustness of Irreversible Differentiation in a Stem Cell System: Chaos Hypothesis"
          J. Theor. Biol. 209 (2001) 395-416  
paper   B     Y. Togashi and K. Kaneko  
title   1   "Transitions Induced by the Discreteness of Molecules in a Small Autocatalytic System"
          Phys. Rev. Lett., 86 (2001) 2459-2462  
paper   B   D N. Nakagawa and K. Kaneko  
title   3 2 "Relaxation, the Boltzmann-Jeans Conjecture and Chaos"
          Phys. Rev. E 64., (2001) 055205®-209  
paper     C   Y. Takahashi, N. Kataoka, K. Kaneko, and T. Namiki  
title   2   "Function Dynamics"
          Jap. J. J. Appl. Math., 18 (2001) 405-423  
paper   B     H. Takagi and K. Kaneko  
title   2   "Differentiation and Replication of Spots in a Reaction Diffusion System with Many Chemicals"
          Europhys. Lett. 56 (2001) 145-151  
paper     C   Naoto Kataoka and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   2   "Functional Dynamics II: Syntactic structure"
          Phsyica D 149 (2001) 174-196  
paper     C   A. Saito and K. Kaneko  
title   5   "Inaccessibility and Undecidability in Computation, Geometry and Dynamical Systems"
          Physica D 155 (2001) 1-33  
paper       D Koichi Fujimoto and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   3 "Sensitive boundary condition dependence of noise-sustained structure"
          Phys. Rev. E. 63 (2001) 036128  
Book         K. Kaneko and I. Tsuda  
title     Complex Systems: Chaos and Beyond
          Springer 2001  
Year 2000
type theme author, title, journal, volume, page, year PDF
paper A       C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Complex Orgnization in multicullarity as a necessity in evolution"
          Artificial Life, 6(2000) 265-281  
paper A       H. Takagi, K. Kaneko, and T. Yomo  
title 4   "Evolution of genetic code through isologous diversification of cellular states"
          Artificial Life 6(2000) 283-305  
paper   B   D N. Nakagawa, K. Kaneko and T.S. Komatsu  
title   3 2 "Long-term Relaxation of a Composite System in Partial Contact with a Heat Bath"
          J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 69 (2000) 3214-3222  
paper     C   Naoto Kataoka, Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   2   "Natural language from functional dynamics"
    Biosystems 57 (2000) 1-11  
paper A       Kunihiko Kaneko and Tetsuya Yomo  
title 4   "Sympatric Speciation: compliance with phenotype diversification from a single genotype"
          Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 267 (2000) 2367-2373  
paper     C   Naoto Kataoka and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   2   "Functional Dynamics I : Articulation Process"
          Physica D 138 (2000) 225-250  
paper A       C. Furusawa and K. Kaneko  
title 1   "Origin of complexity in multicellular organisms"
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 6130-6133  
paper   B   D Naoko Nakagawa and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   3 2 "Energy Storage in a Hamiltonian System in Partial Contact with a Heat Bath"
          J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 69 (2000) 1255-1258  
paper       D Junji Ito and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   1 "Self-organized hierarchical structure in a plastic network of chaotic units"
          Neural Networks, 13 (2000) 275-281  
paper     C   Eizo Akiyama, Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   4   "Dynamical Systems Game Theory and Dynamics of Games"
          Physica D 147 (2000) 221-258  
paper A       Kunihiko Kaneko and Chikara Furusawa  
title 1   "Robust and Irreversible Development in Cell Society as a General Consequence of Intra-Inter Dynamics"
          Physica A 280 (2000) 22-33  
paper       D N.B. Ouchi and K. Kaneko  
title   1 "Coupled Map with Local and Global interactions"  
          Chaos 10 (2000) 359-365  
review A       M.A. Bedau, J.S. McCaskill, N.H. Packard, S. Rasmussen, C. Adami, D.G.Green, T. Ikegami, K. Kaneko, and. T.S. Ray  
title 5   "Open Problems in Artificial Life"  
          Artificial Life 6 (2000)  363-376  
proceeding   B     A. Saito and K. Kaneko  
title   5   "Inaccessibility in Decision Procedures"  
          in Unconventional Models of Computation" UMC'2K, edited by I. Antoniou et al., Springer, London, 215-233 (2000)  
proceeding A       Kunihiko Kaneko and Tetsuya Yomo  
title 4   "Sympatric Speciation from Interaction-induced Phenotype Differentiation"  
          Proceedings of the Artificial Life VII conference, MIT press (Bedau et al. ed., 2000) 113-121  
proceeding A       Chikara Furusawa and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title 1   "Complex organization in multicellularity as a necessity in evolution"  
  4       Proceeding of the Artificial Life VII conference, MIT press(Bedau et al. ed., 2000) 103-112  
proceeding A       Hiroaki Takagi and Kunihiko Kaneko  
title 1   "Evolution of genetic code through isologous diversification of cellular states"  
  4       Proceedings of the Artificial Life VII conference, MIT press(Bedau et al. ed., 2000) 122-131  
proceeding     C   Eizo Akiyama, Kunihiko Kaneko  
title   4   "Social Dilemma and Dynamical Systems Game"  
          Proceedings of the Artificial Life VII conference, MIT press(Bedau et al. ed., 2000) 186-195